The School offers two undergraduate programs—Applied Physics and Space Science & Technology, with the former awarded as a provincial-level featured specialty, and the latter listed in Shandong province’s First-level Specialty Construction Program and supported by the province’s Innovation Experimental Area Construction Program for Talent Training Model.
By making full use of the School’s disciplinary advantages as well as the collaboration with Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the School has set up an Elite Class, aiming to train young talents in astronomy and space science. The Elite Class follows a tailor-made training plan, and is equipped with an excellent teaching team. By using world-class textbooks, students in the elite class have most of their courses taught bilingually or in full English. Research-oriented teaching methods are adopted to encourage innovative thinking and students are entitled to use labs for experiments. National Astronomical Observatories of China, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC) also plays an active role in the training and teaching of the elite class. It works closely with the school on the research-oriented teaching sessions and provides students of the elite class access to its laboratories and libraries. The two sides also jointly set up research projects and create favorable conditions for students to receive early training in astronomy and space science related research work.